Anneka Carlson

Dancing with Belle Fisher

Anneka needed a re-release because turns out she is so committed to this cause that she will be taking the stage 8 months pregnant! She is a woman of the people continually advocating for the rights of our community during her time on the New Plymouth District Council. She has overseen community funding, the NPDC $350+ million investment fund, regional economic development, our airport, our iwi lead committee and our strategy and operations. A big lover of nature and animals has seen Anneka fully involved in animal welfare projects and is always willing to speak up for what she believes in. Anneka is also Chairperson of the Sutton Road Animal Sanctuary and previous chairperson of Pride Taranaki. Dancing alongside Belle Fisher we can’t wait to see what else this superwoman can do.

Dancing with:

Belle Fisher

Belle is a whirlwind of activity, currently immersed in choreography and dance preparations for Dancing for Hope alongside Anneka. She's also donning the title of 'Dance Captain' in 'Seussical the Musical' (grab your tickets now!), while simultaneously teaching dance and training at THESPA, all while still in high school! Belle's natural talent for performance shines through in her grace and exuberance.

A kindred spirit for many, Belle has a passion for shopping and excels at it as if it were a hobby. Summers, with their beach outings and abundant sunshine, hold a special place in her heart, second only to the stage. We can hardly wait to witness your dazzling performance on November 10!

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Shaun Conaglen


Adara Segedin