Muzz McDowell

Dancing with Thespa

The man, the myth, the legend. It would be unimaginable to host a Taranaki icon event without featuring Muzz McDowell. Always seen with his Harley motorcycle close at hand, Muzz has taken to the streets in recent years, becoming a household name in Taranaki politics. Leading the charge for the mullet revival is just one of Muzz's many talents; he brings insight and unwavering dedication to council meetings. His mayoral aspirations are set to continue into the 2025 local election.

With grand aspirations for the night, Muzz is certain to dazzle with his unique style and flair as he takes the stage with Thespa

Dancing with:

Mullet Muzz is lucky, because not unlike all the other dancers he isn’t just getting a duo, or even a trio, he’s getting a group! A core group of dancers from Thespa, The Space of Performing Arts, have come together to create a piece in support of Muzz’s ideas and it’ll be a showstopper! The talent these dancers hold individually is immense, so imagine how awesome it will be to see them perform together. It is an absolute pleasure to have Thespa so involved in our event this year and we are so grateful for their commitment to making the night a success!


Get your tickets


Frau Knotz


Shaun Conaglen